Returns Policy

How To Return Your Item To Us

You can return or exchange any order within 14 days of receiving it unless it is a personalised item. For more information, please follow the below steps. or consult our FAQs.

1. Contact Us
Peggy Bridal is committed to providing quality and reliable products and outstanding customer service. Buyers are entitled to cancel their order and return the goods within 14 days for a full refund or exchange of the purchase price. For a refund to be processed, you must register your return and wait for us to accept the return before you send your parcel back.

Contact us at or with your order number and any additional information you would like us to know, within 14 days of your purchase, for a refund.

2. Return The Item(s) To Us
To return your product, you should mail your product to: Peggy Bridal 13 Victoria Street, Holmfirth, HD9 7DF or Peggy Bridal 24 Coney Street, York, YO1 9ND. Please confirm with the store which address to use. All returns must be fully insured.

You will be responsible for your shipping costs for returning your item(s). All returns must be fully insured to cover all costs should there be any damages or loss in transit. Shipping costs are non-refundable. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary.  

Please be aware any missing original packaging or damage to the item(s) returned may result in the amount to be refunded being altered accordingly.

All return products must be packed, well protected, with original packaging, including the security tag(s) in place with no damage.

When returning your item, we recommend sending your return information to the customer service team at or

Please include your chosen courier, a tracking number and expected delivery date. This may help to speed up your request. Peggy Bridal cannot be held responsible for any lost/missing or damaged items. Please also be aware, Peggy Bridal, cannot be held responsible if the goods are not
returned via an authorised Post Office or courier company.

3. Receive Your Refund
As soon as we receive the goods, we will endeavour to process your request as quickly as possible. It usually takes 7-working days. We may deduct from the refund for loss in value of any goods supplied. All return products must be packed, well protected, with original packaging, including the security tag(s) in place with no damage. If packaging is deemed unsuitable, and results in damage, this may also affect the amount due to be refunded.

Returns and refunds are governed under The Sale of Goods Act and Distance Selling Regulations. The return policy is valid for any purchases returned within 14 days.